Monday 24 May 2010

England Is Melting!

Jesus H Christ, it's warm innit!

Possibly the hottest it's ever been in this country in the history of forever and I have been stuck in the kitchen or at work (I work in an oven where old people and stroke victims are kept, also known as a nursing home).
Not really fair.
Everyone has a tan.
I am even whiter than usual as my skin is absorbing 3 grams of icing sugar every day.


Today I am making a Hello Kitty castle, not sure why Hello Kitty has a castle as, for one she is not a princess, and for two she is a cat, but whatever, I do as I'm told! The customer is always right and all that!

I've also made 45 little bitesize cakes that are going to be topped with little chocoate swirls and chocolate love hearts (I'm so cute!)

Joe is still in London, but at least I have my little people back! I'm pretty much a single mum at the moment and I'm kind of kicking arse at it, the kids are immaculate and shiney happy, got to school on time and I even remembered to write in Ruby's reading record, oh yeah just call me Super Mum!

My little man (Chance, my son) and I have had a very musical day, we've listened to Velvet Underground, Kings of Leon and we've been shaking our little (not so little in my case) tushes to Beyonce, Chance has more of a ghetto booty than I. Little bit jealous. He can do that whole 'my arse is a shelf, watch it move up and down independent from the rest of body' dance, bit odd for a 2 year old boy, but what can I say some kids were made for the stage (possibly the Birdcage stage in his case!)
He has also spent a considerable amount of time riding up and down the garden on his electric quad bike wearing a corked aussie hat. The kid's got style!

Hope Joe gets offered a job in London today, if it was a job that paid £25,000 and the job title was 'Film Director' that would be massively awesome.

In the words of that one eyed Gabrielle, 'Dreams can come true'!

Right, I have castle turrets to make.

Toodles, Katy x

Sunday 23 May 2010


Oh, lonely, oh so lonely!

So I have spent less than 24 hours all on my lonesome and I am going INSANE to the membrane.
My dear Joe has gone off to London for his brothers stag do and the children have stayed out at their Grandmoi's to give me a little 'peace and quiet' and give me a chance to 'get on with things'. Well the peace and quiet has led me to hear every bump and creak (not to mention 'Ghost Baby'-the strange woooing noise that blows through our walls) and instead of getting 'on with things' I have sat on Facebook, looking at pictures of myself and oogling at people I have never and will never meet!

Why am I so useless on my own?

I'm not a boring person. Yet I HATE HATE HATE my own company!

I'm going all Lord Of The Flies, if Piggy was here I'd smash his glasses!

I did manage to get something done yesterday tho, I made sweeties! Two of my bestest friends are getting married in 4 days and I have volunteered to make a truffle tower. This inolves...
Brandy Truffles
Orange Crunch Truffles
Coconut Ice
Marshmallow Chocolate Fudge (which is a bit too sloppy!)
Millionaire Shortbread
Walnut Chocolate Brownies
Dark Chocolate Peppermint Cremes!

Ooooo, and the result of making all these sweeties (around 400 petit fours all together) is that I've put on 2 pounds in 2 days!
I'd love to blame those blasted airbourne calories but the fact of it is, is that I licked the spoon...on more than one occasion.
And that is all it takes! No need to scoff my face with boxes of chocolates to pile on the pounds, ho no no...3 licks of a chocolately spoon will do it!!
Heaven forbid I might have a little taste of these sweeties on the day of the wedding...I'll burst out of my bridesmaid bress like the Incredible Hulk with pretty hair!

Right, I'm gonna go DO SOMETHING, anything. I say this but tenner bet I've done nothing by the time I go to work at 4pm.

Oh to be proactive!

Katy x

Saturday 22 May 2010


Oh! Look! I have a Blog!!

This has taken me an age to set up as I have to keep stopping to break into song and dance...I'm watching 'Somewhere over the rainbow' and just as I 100% believed "I could be NAAAANCY" I truely believe I could be Dorothy too...hmm, we'll see!

I often wonder if other people sit videoing themselves singing just to listen back to see if they actually CAN sing? (And of course to see the weird faces they pull when hitting those high notes!)
I think, all in all, I'm not half bad, now I just need the balls and the face to get out there and actually do it in front of someone other than my little dog Sinbad!

So, anyway, I'm the cake making dietitan, or at least I will be in 4 years time when I graduate!

My name is Katy, I'm 23 (24 next month [I'll expect an influx of cards, thank you please]) I am a mother to 2 absolutely adorable children, and I have a fiance who goes by the name of Joe, those 3 people are the lights of my life, and I would be completely lost without their laughter and smiles!

In September this year my little crew and I are making a massive 230 mile move to Surrey from Hull so I can start a Dietetics degree at the university of Surrey...

"The way I see it, if you wanna see the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain." -Dolly Parton.

GAH! My least favourite Dorothy won..pooh! Ah well, with Sir Andrew by your side anyone can be ace!

So yeah, we're off to see the Southerners, the 'wonderful' southerners of...erm..Surrey! Might have to work on that one! And I'm (for want of a better word) POOING it!
So this little here Blog is my way to vent my angst, my argh, and my oh crikeys!

I also make LOADS of cakes! I'm not sure how, but I kind of have my own little cake making business, I'll put up some pictures for you all (my imaginary listeners) to see, that'll be nice won't it!?

"I like smiling, smiling's my favourite!" - Buddy The Elf

Good bye for now, cyber chums!

Katy x