Friday 23 March 2012

Everyone loves a cupcake!

SO I thought I'd do a little picture blog of some of my favourite cupcakes that I've been commissioned to do in the past year.

I really do enjoy the miniature element that comes with designing and creating cupcakes, I'm not really sure how I manage the fiddly little things as I have the biggest hands I've ever seen on a woman, but there you go!

These are a selection of the most fun, funkiest ones I've done!

I hope you enjoy!

These are my cupcakes made for a little girls 10th birthday 'Mad Hatter's tea party' They were great fun to make because I had total freedom to just go as mad as I liked, and as there were 40 it was nice to mix it up a bit!

Funnily enough I was asked to make some 'Muppets' themed cupcakes quite a while before the new film came out, so these have been great to have in my portfolio as I've since been asked to create a load more! These were especially apt for me to make as my fiancee is a HUGE Muppets fan so we have tons of Muppet stuff knocking around! The kids loved seeing these being born!

Sometimes I get asked to come up with an idea for a theme that I don't know a thing about!! These 'Sailor Moon' cakes were made for a lovely lady who is anime and just Japan mad! But I have to be honest I had to do hours of research before coming up with a design, God bless Google images!!

How anyone could bear to eat Frank and Molly?? These loveable pugs were commissioned by one of my customers who will order cupcakes for any and every event! I will go as far as to say she is addicted! These were for her Mother in law's birthday, who loves nothing more than her pet pooches!

This little chap is my version of my best friend's husband! He is a diver and there is nothing he loves more, other than his lovely wife of course :)

In a kitchen far, far away...these bad boys were made! I love super geeky orders like this, mainly because I'm a bit of a sci-fi nerd myself...

Hopefully you'll recognise this little guy. And don't worry...he wasn't eaten, just the yummy cupcake underneath!

So there you go, there's a little snippet of my 'babies', and there are MANY more to come!

Big loves, Kate x


  1. Those muppets are awesome! I wouldn't eat them, I'd just have them on show forever! Brilliant :) xx

    1. Aw thank you! I'm glad to say they didn't get eaten! They were varnished and put in a box frame, so they are up on someone's wall now :) x

  2. Wow your cupcakes look amazing! I love the scuba diver! :-)
