Thursday 22 March 2012

I don't like the word failure, but...

Hello all!

Well, I started this blog in May 2010 when I was all excited/petrified of moving to Surrey and starting my degree as a dietitian.
You know when you have that 'really bad feeling' about something? Well I was kind of like that for the whole build up to moving. It was a nightmare to get there, jobs for my fiance were non-existent and house after house fell through, but eventually, somehow, we got there.
And the weather was all sunny, and the trees were all green and the birds were singing, the lambs were leaping and the squirrels were happily flirting with each other whilst swinging through the trees and it all seemed like a fabulous plan after all!
And we all lived happily ever after.
The End.

Well, not quite! I hated the university, I hated the area we lived in, I hated the school my children were at, I hated the whole concept of a childminder, I hated Surrey's stupid bus services, I hated commuting on the train, I hated the snow and the worst winter to hit the whole country for a long while, but most of all I hated being away from home.
I was incredibly home sick, something which I've never really felt before, but I was truly miserable and all I wanted to do was go home.

So we did.

And here I am, back in Hull, which isn't half as bad as I've been moaning it is for most of my life. Back where I belong.
And although I do very much miss the study and it still is and always will be my biggest passion, the dietetics has taken a back seat. I know that I will pick it up again at some point in the future, but for now other things and people are more important.

SO...I'm not really the cake making dietitian anymore...I'm mostly just the cake maker!

My business The Hippy Hippy Cakes has gone from strength to strength and I've been so amazed at how much support I've gotten from people and how much faith they have in me and my work.
I did a little count today and I've completed approx 230 orders so far, madness!

So this is my new (old) blog, which will mostly be chatting about the cakes I make, the troubles I have, both cake and life wise and hopefully somewhere where I can make friends and get/give advice.

Lovely to have you back ;-)

Katy x

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